Tuesday 30 December 2014

Candy magazine, Queer inspiration

Wishing all listeners the best for 2015!

You can download this and other podcasts at The Genderqueer Universe on iTunes, or alternatively, right click on http://traffic.libsyn.com/crossdressingcanopy/20143112_Candy_magazine_Queer_inspiration.mp3 to download the podcast.

1. Introduction

2014 New Years Resolution achieved

SLINK magazine - http://www.slinkmagazine.com/

2. CANDY magazine

Candy magazine 7 - Lady Gaga / Marilyn Manson - http://byluisvenegas.com/candy/newcandy-7/#196

Candy magazine 8 - The Role Models - http://byluisvenegas.com/candy/newcandy-8/#251

Luis Venegas website - http://byluisvenegas.com/

3. Bridal magazines and their folly

4. Queer Inspiration - My new Pinterest board


Friday 28 November 2014

Glass ceiling, Costumes, Army

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

You can download this and other podcasts at The Genderqueer Universe on iTunes, or alternatively, right click on http://traffic.libsyn.com/crossdressingcanopy/20141128_Glass_ceiling_Costumes_Army.mp3 to download the podcast.


1. Glass ceiling

My medium-level conference experience

An excerpt of the Marie Claire's excerpt Annabel Crabb's "The Glass Ceiling"


Women in Management survey

2. Costumes


Amy's Bedroom - http://www.timeoutshanghai.com/venue/Shops__Services-Adult_stores/4592/Amys-Bedroom.html


Mong Kok Ladies Market - http://www.ladies-market.hk/

Costume Market - http://hongkong.daebak.asia/shopping/street-markets/pottinger-street

Remy Fashion - http://www.remyfashion.com/

Matteo Party - http://www.matteoparty.com/

The air stewardess costume I bought (but mine is in electric pink!) - http://www.amazon.com/Paper-Magic-Retro-Stewardess-Costume/dp/B008ERJ03O

3. Norway's mixed army


Sunday 26 October 2014

Saturday 11 October 2014

Transsexualism, Webcomics, T-shirts

A podcast focussed on transsexualism, and the issues relating to our awesome brothers and sisters.

You can download this and other podcasts at The Genderqueer Universe on iTunes, or alternatively, right click on http://traffic.libsyn.com/crossdressingcanopy/20141011_Transsexualism_Webcomics_Tshirts.mp3 to download the podcast.


1. Transsexuals and how I think they are awesome

2. The question


3. Transgender T-Shirts




4. BBC Capital - When John become Joan


5. Webcomic - Questionable Content

First comic - http://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1

Transgender character Claire first introduced (redhead in fourth panel) - http://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2203

Claire comes out as transgendered - http://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2323

Marten - Claire started a discussion which leads to them starting a relationship - http://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2785

Wednesday 24 September 2014

#HeForShe, JLaw, K-Fashion

The UN's amazing #HeForShe campaign frontlines today's podcast .

You can download this and other podcasts at The Genderqueer Universe on iTunes, or alternatively, right click on http://traffic.libsyn.com/crossdressingcanopy/20140924_HeForShe_JLaw_K-Fashion.mp3 to download the podcast.


1. #HeForShe - Emma Watson's amazing speech



Join the campaign at http://www.heforshe.org/

2. JLaw and other celebrities photo leak 

3. K-Fashion - BONGJASHOP - http://en.bongjashop.com/

Navy dress with pastel flowers - http://en.bongjashop.com/Product/Detail/view/pid/36015/cid/229/spn/OP4C0051 

Blue sleeveless dress - http://en.bongjashop.com/Product/Detail/view/pid/35679/cid/229/spn/OP4C0921

Pink/White dress - http://en.bongjashop.com/Product/Detail/view/pid/35154/cid/959/spn/OP4B0758

4. Magazines

The magazine I couldn't remember - http://frockmagazine.com/

CANDY Magazine Transgender Michelle Obama cover - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/17/michelle-obama-candy-magazine-transgender-connie-fleming_n_2317992.html

Related article to Afghanistan bocha posh - http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2014/sep/22/girls-boys-afghanistan-daughters-raised-as-sons-puberty-bacha-posh

5. Madrid Annual High Heel Race - http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-07-04/madrid-high-heels-race-gay-pride-photos/5571214

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Sexuality, Gaming, Clubwear

Light and heavy topics today!

You can download this and other podcasts at The Genderqueer Universe on iTunes, or alternatively, right click on http://traffic.libsyn.com/crossdressingcanopy/20140826_Sexuality_Gaming_Clubwear.mp3 to download the podcast.

1. Gaming

SMOSH GAMES - Honest Trailer - Skyrim - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjTOF8IC528

How World of Warcraft helped me come out as transgender - http://www.theguardian.com/technology/gamesblog/2014/jan/23/how-world-of-warcraft-game-helped-me-come-out-transgender

2. Sexuality

Interactions between straight people and the transgendered community

Interactions between transgendered people and the transgendered community

3. Clubwear
Red Multi Color-Block Party Dress - http://www.amiclubwear.com/clothing-dress-ami88-ty054redmulti.html

Black Multi Striped Sexy Bandage Dress -http://www.amiclubwear.com/clothing-bandage-r6-b2463blackmulti.html

Friday 1 August 2014

Makeup, Role models, Manskirts

A more relaxed podcast this time!

You can download this and other podcasts from iTunes, search for The Genderqueer Universe. Alternatively, right click on http://traffic.libsyn.com/crossdressingcanopy/20140801_Makeup_Role_models_Manskirts.mp3 to download the podcast.


1. More relaxed podcasts

Chat with TG Counsellor and Academic Dr Elizabeth Riley


Chat with Anika and Ally

2. Makeup

41 Life-Saving Beauty Hacks Every Girl Should Have In Her Arsenal


Colorperfect blending system


3. Andreja Pejic's transition


4.  The Manskirt

The return of the manskirt - http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/lifestyle/fashion/the-return-of-the-manskirt-20140723-ztyg8.html

Pinterest - males in skirts - http://www.pinterest.com/crossdressingca/males-in-skirts/

Red tartan skirt - http://www.pinterest.com/pin/314689092686111887/

Blue knee length skirt - http://www.pinterest.com/pin/314689092686111877/

Japanese men in skirts - http://www.pinterest.com/pin/314689092686111859/

5. Great internet picture relating sexism to men, women, and transgenders.


Wednesday 16 July 2014

Chat with TG Counsellor & Academic Dr Elizabeth Riley

A fascinating chat with Dr Elizabeth Riley, who answers a series of questions on crossdressing / transgender issues using her mix of experience and academic knowledge!

Dr Riley's website - http://peoplesmart.net.au/

You can download the podcast from iTunes at The Genderqueer Universe, or right click on http://traffic.libsyn.com/crossdressingcanopy/20140716_Chat_with_TG_Counsellor_Dr_Elizabeth_Riley.mp3 to download.

As a starter, how did you become a counsellor for crossdressing/transgender persons?

Why are crossdressing/transgender people like this?
Why does trans-phobia exist?
How can you deal with an unaccepting spouse/other family members?
How can I come out to people as crossdresser/transgender? Who should I come out to?
How are the counselling issues for transsexuals and crossdressers similar? How are they different?
How can I deal with desires to purge?
How do I find a crossdresser/trans-friendly counsellor?
 Aside from counselors, what crossdresser/trans resources would you recommend?
Anything else to add?

Tuesday 1 July 2014


My take on #YesAllWomen and why violence, whether physical, sexual, or emotional, needs to be stopped.

To listen to my podcast on #YesAllWomen, you can download The Genderqueer Universe on iTunes. Alternatively you can right click on http://traffic.libsyn.com/crossdressingcanopy/20140701_YesAllWomen.mp3 to download the podcast.


1. What is #YesAllWomen

TIME Magazine -The Most Powerful #YesAllWomen Tweets by Nolan Feeney

2. Violence

UN chapter on Violence Against Women - http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/ageing/documents/egm/NeglectAbuseandViolenceofOlderWomen/Violence%20against%20women.pdf

Australian Government Department of Social Services - Facts about women's safety - http://www.dss.gov.au/our-responsibilities/women/publications-articles/general/fact-sheets-womens-issues/facts-about-women-s-safety

What men (and all people) can do to help stop domestic violence - http://www.domesticviolence.com.au/pages/what-men-can-do-to-help-stop-domestic-violence.php

3. Misogyny

Workplace misogyny discussed in prior podcast - http://crossdressingcanopy.blogspot.com.au/2014/03/mardi-gras-social-conditioning.html

Election body slammed for sexist cartoon - http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2014/05/511_158156.html

Egypt's sexual harrassment pandemic - and the powerlessness of hashtags - http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/06/18/egypts-sexual-harassment-pandemic-and-the-powerlessness-of-hashtags/

Pantene Philippines - Denise Laurel rises above her labels #WHIPIT - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xYsvcKfq8E

Friday 13 June 2014

Sports, Mannequins, Self-distancing

The World Cup beckons, so let's talk sport!

You can download this and other podcasts from iTunes, search for The Genderqueer Universe. Alternatively, right click on http://traffic.libsyn.com/crossdressingcanopy/20140613_Sports_Mannequins_Self-distancing.mp3 to download the podcast.

1. Transgendered people in sport

Jaiyah Saelua - http://www.thefa.com/news/2014/may/jaiyah-saelua-next-goal-wins

2. Female coaches in male sports

Helena Costa - http://www.bbc.com/sport/0/football/27526264

Amelie Mauresmo - http://www.theguardian.com/sport/2014/jun/12/andy-murray-amelie-mauresmo-coach-judy-murray

Peta Searle - http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/lost-for-words-afls-first-female-coach-peta-searle-20140602-zrulm.html

3. BBC News - The strange demands of life as a cheerleader - http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-27260466

4. Fashion - Feminine Sporting Costumes

Netball https://static.shop033.com/resources/EA/490/Other/2014%20standard%20bodysuit%20details.pdf

Synchronised Swimming http://www.actionfit.com/actionfit/Pre_Designed_Suits.html


58B Deep Green outfit - http://www.cheerleading.com/Cheerleading-Uniforms/Deluxe-Packages/2014/58B

59C Canary Yellow outfit - http://www.cheerleading.com/Cheerleading-Uniforms/Deluxe-Packages/2014/59C

5. Suzanne Heintz's Mannequins - http://www.smh.com.au/photogallery/lifestyle/fashion/the-mannequin-of-my-dreams-20140605-39koq.html

6. How to give ourselves advice as good as we give others - http://home.isr.umich.edu/releases/how-to-give-advice-to-ourselves/


Thursday 29 May 2014

Self expression, Cosmo

Oh and Conchitta win's YAY!

You can download this and other podcasts from iTunes, search for The Genderqueer Universe. Alternatively, right click on http://traffic.libsyn.com/crossdressingcanopy/20140529_Self_expression_Cosmo.mp3 to download the podcast.


1. Conchitta's win - YAY!

Russian entrepreneur to open Conchita Wurst hair salon in Moscow http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/russian-entrepreneur-to-open-conchita-wurst-hair-salon-in-moscow/500987.html

2. Self-expression

3. China self-expression

4. Fashion - Clip-on earrings - Crossdress USA

Five Strand Royal Blue and Rhinestone Dangling Clip-on Earrings http://www.crossdressusa.com/product/CDU-E014

Gold plated Clip-on Earrings http://www.crossdressusa.com/product/CDU-E001

Multi-hoop Rhinestone Clip-on Earrings http://www.crossdressusa.com/product/CDU-E003

Rhinestone Cluster with Black Rhinestone Clip-on earrings http://www.crossdressusa.com/product/CDU-E012

Basket weave Gold clip-on earrings http://www.crossdressusa.com/product/CDU-E008

5. Society perceptions

6. Cosmo!

Friday 9 May 2014

Eurovision, Cosplay

No not together! But Eurovision cosplay would be interesting...

You can download this and other podcasts from iTunes, search for The Genderqueer Universe.
Alternatively, right click on http://traffic.libsyn.com/crossdressingcanopy/20140510_Eurovision_Cosplay.mp3 to download the podcast.


1. Transgender / Crossdressing in the Eurovision

1998 Dana International - Diva https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fv83u7-mNWQ

2002 Sestre - Samo Ljubezen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iq1MjjZCMQk

2007 Drama Queen - Drama Queen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXGl2cbDBDA

2007 Verka Serduchka - Dancing Lasha Tumbai https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfjHJneVonE

2014 Conchita Wurst - Rise Like A Pheonix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaolVEJEjV4

Music Clips in Podcast rights to Universal.

2. Internet things

Disney Princess Batman - http://www.buzzfeed.com/ellievhall/disney-princess-batman-is-your-new-favorite-cosplayer

The Western Apperance Ideal - http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/lifestyle/beauty/the-westernised-appearance-ideal--not-so-ideal-20140507-zr6h2.html

3. Fashion - Hello Cosplay

Belle dress - http://au.hellocosplay.com/disney-cosplay-belle-costume-yellow-dress-p-5407.html

Elizabeth Swann Dress - http://au.hellocosplay.com/pirates-of-the-caribbean-costume-elizabeth-swann-dress-p-2572.html

Marie Antoinette Victorian Ball Gown - http://au.hellocosplay.com/marie-antoinette-victorian-ball-gown-prom-royal-blue-wedding-p-5027.html

Pink Cosplay Wig -  http://au.hellocosplay.com/danganronpa-dangan-ronpa-cosplay-junko-enoshima-pink-ponytail-wig-p-7812.html

Saturday 26 April 2014

Arguments Against Crossdressing - Rebuttals

Here's an argumentative podcast!

You can download this and other podcasts from iTunes, search for The Genderqueer Universe.

Alternatively, right click on http://traffic.libsyn.com/crossdressingcanopy/20140427_Arguments_Against_Crossdressing_-_Rebuttals.mp3 to download the podcast.


1. Dogma

 -  Because it is not natural

 - Because it is against our book

2. Society

 - Because it exposes you to possible physical harm

 - Because I will get rejected by my family

3. Philosophical

 - Because crossdressing is sexist, since many crossdressers portray women as sluts or submissive.  In other words, crossdressers portray women as less than men.

 - Because crossdressing reflects modern ideology 's obsession with self-identity.  People need to stop worrying about their individual goals and be more at one with the universe.

4. Limitations

 - Because I don't have money

 - Because I don't have space

 - Because I don't have time

5. Emotional

 - Because I look ugly as a femme

 - Because I feel bad after crossdressing

 - Because you need to accept gender norms to find someone to love you.



 - Because crossdressing is kinky

Saturday 22 March 2014

Toilets, The Masqueraders, Shopping

Today I talk a surprising lot about... toilets.

You can download this and other podcasts from iTunes, search for The Genderqueer Universe.

Alternatively, right click on http://traffic.libsyn.com/crossdressingcanopy/20140323_Toilets_The_Masqueraders_Shopping.mp3 to download the podcast.

1. Toilets

(i) Strong segegration in toilets

(ii) Differences between the sexes


(iii) Toilet equality fight



(iv) T-people, where to bathroom?

S. Bear Bergman - The Nearest Exit May Be Behind You http://www.amazon.com/The-Nearest-Exit-May-Behind/dp/1551522640

Refuge restrooms - http://www.refugerestrooms.org/

2. Fashion - Janet's Closet

Indulge 2000 Pink boots - http://www.janetscloset.com/cgi-bin/shopper.cgi?preadd=action&key=PLE_IND2000-DS

Shiny Latex Mini Snappy - http://www.janetscloset.com/cgi-bin/shopper.cgi?preadd=action&key=CL01AMYSNAPPY

Olivia Wig - http://www.janetscloset.com/cgi-bin/shopper.cgi?preadd=action&key=HR01SEPOLIVIA

Pretty Playing Card - http://www.janetscloset.com/cgi-bin/shopper.cgi?preadd=action&key=CL07LEG-83409

3. Canopy of Wonderfulness Inductee

The Masqueraders by Georgette Heyer http://www.amazon.com/Masqueraders-Georgette-Heyer/dp/1402219504

4. Quickmeme - These Little Kids can Teach Adults a Thing or Two


Tuesday 11 March 2014

Mardi Gras, social conditioning

A podcast of interesting gender bits!

You can download this and other podcasts from iTunes, search for The Genderqueer Universe.

Alternatively, right click on http://traffic.libsyn.com/crossdressingcanopy/20140311_Mardi_Gras_Social_conditioning.mp3 to download the podcast.

1. Sydney Mardi Gras


2. Cami's conundrum: Dressing in public?


3. Fashion - Long Tall Sally

Monochrome Contrast Dress - http://au.longtallsally.com/p/tall/monochrome-contrast-dress-05G02

Paisley Scuba Dress - http://au.longtallsally.com/p/tall/paisley-scuba-dress-05F28

Ruby Rocks Pheonix Quirky Print Dress - http://au.longtallsally.com/p/tall/ruby-rocks-pheonix-quirky-print-dress-65Z10#65Z10BLA

Floral Mirror Scuba Dress - http://au.longtallsally.com/p/tall/floral-mirror-scuba-dress-05G11

4. Facebook's gender identities are a good start - but why stop at 56?


5. Gender in the media

Gorgeous Photography Series Portrays Gay Couples All Over The Globe -  http://www.buzzfeed.com/skarlan/gorgeous-photography-series-portrays-gay-couples-all-over-th

 Sex, brains, and inequality -  http://www.economist.com/news/united-states/21595972-how-sexual-equality-increases-gap-between-rich-and-poor-households-sex-brains-and

6. Cordelia Fine - Delusions of Gender - The Real Science Behind Sex Differences - Adulthood


Saturday 1 March 2014

Sydney Mardi Gras 2014

My wife and I went to the Sydney Mardi Gras last night. It was a great show, a long parade that went on for about two hours.

Here are some of our favourite highlights.

1. Huge Trans- float.

The Trans-community were represented by a wonderful FantasTIQue float, with many different float pieces and many people walking along side.

Here's a photo of the lead FantasTIQue float,

plus a video which although mainly films a guy's head, conveys the sounds and feel of the parade well.

2. Large parade presence of military and police.

There was a strong parade presence of the military and the police. The military got one of the strongest cheers of the night. Perhaps reflecting as my wife suggested, that there are many places in the world where the military would not be able to march like this.

3. Strong anti-Putin message

Amnesty International provided several floats dedicated to sending a strong anti-Putin message. The floats, which were among my favourites, were wonderfully set to the tunes of "Moscow" and "Rasputin".

4. Furrys and Animal Welfare in together

One interesting aspect of the parade for me was that there were many animal protection agency floats, and some furry floats mixed in the middle with them!

5. Exterminate Homophobia!

There were several gaming or nerdy references in the parade. My personal favourite were the pink Daleks, who were surrounded by "Exterminate Homophobia" signs.

Overall, the Sydney Mardi Gras is a wonderful experience, which encapsulates the benefits and wonders of diversity. My wife and I have been each of the last three years, and each year I have come away feeling lifted by the wonders of the positive and open human spirit!

Thursday 27 February 2014

Cami's conundrum: Dressing in public?

Ever since I have opened up about crossdressing, I have wondered about whether I should go out crossdressed.

This thought came up again today, when my wife and I were discussing whether Cami should go to the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras in Sydney.

My previous experiences going out dressed up have been interesting, but a mixed bag.  

In order to take a decision, I decided to reach deeper into my thoughts and consider why I crossdress. Two thoughts came to mind:

I crossdress to:

* express myself as a femme
* "let it go" after having to abide by gender norms after a 9-5 work week.

One other factor to consider is my "negative" desire to seek approval from others to justify my crossdressing.

So based on these aims and factors, would I enjoy crossdressing at the Mardi Gras?

Well, while the Mardi Gras might be a great place to be dressed in the parade, being dressed while watching the parade means you are surrounded by lots of gender-normative people.  Plus there are judgemental gender-normative people getting to and coming from the Mardi Gras. Being around these people would make me self-conscious, making me unlikely to "let it go" and express my femme-ness and more likely to indulge negative parts of my dressing, namely trying to seek others approval for my dressing.

Based on these factors, I have decided not to go to the Mardi Gras dressed. I'll go of course, with some wonderful colours painted on my nails, but not dressed.

I would like to go out dressed in the future, but I'm going to look for nurturing environments around like-minded people that I can enjoy and properly express my femme-ness rather than feel self-conscious.

Friday 21 February 2014

Tall Women, Frozen, Facebook changes

Some wonderful positive things to talk about today!

You can download this and other podcasts from iTunes, search for The Genderqueer Universe.
Alternatively, right click on http://traffic.libsyn.com/crossdressingcanopy/20140215_Facebook_changes_Frozen_tall_women_clothes.mp3 to download the podcast.

1. Facebook Gender and Pronoun Settings: Which Way Will You Go?


2. Animation Wonders

SheZow - http://www.abc.net.au/iview/ (for Australian viewers)

Frozen's show stopping song "Let It Go" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moSFlvxnbgk

3. Cordelia Fine - Delusions of Gender - The Real Science Behind Sex Differences - Childhood -


4. Australian magazines

Vogue Australia Chinese Edition - http://crossdressingcanopy.blogspot.com.au/2014/02/vogue-australia-mandarin-edition.html

Raising my androgynous son Andrej Pejic - http://www.aww.com.au/news-features/in-the-mag/2013/3/raising-my-androgynous-son-andrej-pejic/

5. Tall women clothes

The best sites to buy clothes for tall women - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/17/clothes-tall-women-_n_3605262.html

Tall by Design - http://tallbydesign.com.au/

Audrey Rosalie - http://tallbydesign.com.au/Products/New-Arrivals/Audrey-Dress-Rosalie.aspx

Alexa Dress - http://tallbydesign.com.au/Products/Dresses---Tunics/Alexa-Dress.aspx

Hepburn Shift - http://tallbydesign.com.au/Products/Dresses---Tunics/Hepburn-Shift-Dress.aspx

6. Michael Sam and the NFL

Jon Stewart's view http://imgur.com/gallery/xUxXJ

Dallas sportcasters Dale Hansen's view http://globalnews.ca/news/1148267/watch-old-white-guy-defends-gay-black-nfl-prospect-in-surprising-rant/ (second video)

Friday 14 February 2014

Facebook Gender and Pronoun Settings: Which Way Will You Go?

Great news!

Facebook now allows English (US) users to customise their gender!

Some of the options for custom gender!

You can choose from 50 different options! You can also choose who sees your gender, you, just a certain list of people, friends, or more!

50 options gave considerable choice. With no crossdresser option, I quickly whittled it down to five choices: trans, androgynous, non-gender, pangender, and genderqueer.

Trans is a great umbrella term. I would definitely use it if there was nothing better. But with 50 options surely I could drill down to something better?

Androgynous and non-gender did not really feel like me, since no-one ever has a doubt whether I'm projecting a gender.

So it really came down to two options - pangender and genderqueer. And to be honest, I didn't really know the difference between them!

So I went to Wikipedia, it told me:

Pangender: Pangender people are those who do not wish to be labeled as female or male in gender, as they feel that they do not fit into binary genders because they feel they are all genders. The term has a great deal of overlap with genderqueer and is used by those in the LGBT community meaning "all genders."

Genderqueer: Genderqueer (GQ; alternatively non-binary) is a catch-all category for gender identities other than man and woman, thus outside of the gender binary and cisnormativity. Genderqueer people may identify as one or more of the following: blurred genders, 2+ genders, no gender, third gender.

After reading that I was not surprised I didn't know the difference between the two terms! I specifically don't like labels of female and male since they are constricting of behaviour, so I went for pangender.

The next thing Facebook lets you pick is which pronouns you want used on you. They/she/he.

You can wish me a happy unbirthday too!

Clearly I was never going to pick he! But in the end decided on "she"

She! After all I said about being pangender! Yes, she. Because I want to be called female pronouns to balance out all the male pronouns I get called in my everyday life.

Have a play with it yourself and let me know what settings you pick!

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Chat with Anika and Ally

This podcast I chat with my good crossdressing friend Anika, and her wonderful partner Ally.

You can download this and other podcasts from iTunes, search for The Genderqueer Universe.

Alternatively, right click on http://traffic.libsyn.com/crossdressingcanopy/20140209_-_Chat_with_Anika_and_Ally.mp3 to download the podcast.

Questions asked:

* Anika, when did you discover crossdressing?

* Anika, how do you identify on the crossdressing/trans spectrum?

* Ally, what was your initial response to finding out Anika crossdressed?

* Ally, what was your initial response to seeing Anika crossdressed?

* Anika, what do you enjoy about crossdressing?

* Anika, in the past, were you able to find support from family and/or friends?

* Ally, what impact does Anika's crossdressing have on your relationship?

* Ally, can you point to anything that made Anika more comfortable about her crossdressing?

* Both of you, how do you deal with telling friends and family about Anika?

* Anything else to add?

Saturday 1 February 2014

Vogue Australia: Mandarin Edition

Walking though Sydney's Chinatown I spotted a new free magazine: Vogue Australia: Mandarin Edition.

Interesting decision by Vogue, a premier brand, to associate itself with the free magazine trade. The magazine is unsurprisingly, thinner than the average Vogue magazine (80 pages, versus the 600+ of the bigger paid magazines) and has a similar high ratio of advertisements.

What really struck me was that some of the items were particularly pricey (even for Vogue)

This page in particular stood out:

3 Varolujan rings $51,700
Piaget broach style item $151,500
Piaget broach style item $524,600
Piaget necklace $244,810
Paspaley Tahitian necklace $364,000 (gorgeous though!)
Bulgari flower broach $8,300
Canturi flower ring $19,500
Cartier earrings $91,000
Dior timepiece (watch) $238,000
Bulgari ring $22,100
Dior broach $290,000
Paiget earrings $32,640
Bulgari necklace $62,600
plus two unpriced items

Total price $2.1 million (about US$1.8 million)

Such expensive items in a free magazine seems an interesting choice. The target market is clearly the new-China rich, but will they pick up a free publication? Time will tell.

Either way, it is a great way for me to practise my Mandarin! :)

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Sports, Dating, Pinterest

Lots to talk about today!

You can download this and other podcasts from iTunes, search for The Genderqueer Universe.

Alternatively, right click on http://traffic.libsyn.com/crossdressingcanopy/20140122_Sports_Dating_Pinterest.mp3 to download the podcast.


1. Sports

Lionel Messi and the hazards of a red suit - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-magazine-monitor-25728213

Why we find muscular women wildly perplexing? - Jamilla Rosdahl - http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/why-do-we-find-muscular-women-wildly-perplexing-20140114-30rjf.html

2. Assaults on men in Sydney

No country for young men: notions of gender must evolve - Catharine Lumby - http://www.smh.com.au/comment/no-country-for-young-men-notions-of-gender-must-evolve-20140102-307rq.html

A horrific incident and an unfortunate reminder - http://thepeopleandplaces.wordpress.com/2014/01/03/a-horrific-incident-and-an-unfortunate-reminder/

3. SHOP magazine - Which Look Pulls The Most Dates

Link to podcast article - http://genderqueeruniverse.blogspot.com/2014/01/sports-dating-pinterest.html

4. Healthy crossdressing: Avoiding the Supreme Court of Femme


5. Pinterest and Trans-nipples

Kirill Sadovy - http://www.pinterest.com/pin/370491506816395559/

Daniel Landroche - http://www.pinterest.com/pin/370491506816395542/

Modelling shot - http://www.pinterest.com/pin/370491506816395363/

Concern over trans-nipples - Dossier's Andrej Pejic Cover Censored By Barnes & Noble, Borders, - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/16/dossier-andrej-pejic-cover-censored_n_862424.html

6. Curse of the mummyji: The eternal but shifting battle between Indian wives and their fearsome mothers-in-lawhttp://www.economist.com/news/christmas-specials/21591745-curse-mummyji

Saturday 18 January 2014

Healthy Crossdressing: Avoiding the Supreme Court of Femme

I love expressing my femme side. After spending my working life as a stereotypical man in the financial industry, it is great to let loose my femme side during my off-time and:

  • read fashion mags,
  • wear cute dresses, costumes, or my corset,
  • practise my makeup, have fun trying to pass,
  • cook in my frilly pink apron,
  • read romance novels, and;
  • chat to my femme friends over facebook, email, or other digital forms!

These activities usually provide me great enjoyment. However, sometimes being femme stops  being fun.  It generally occurs when I start using the femme activity to try to prove to myself that as a man I can still be femme.

I take on obsessive behaviours, including:

  • Instead of casually dressing, and putting on makeup, I firmly concentrate on passing and bemoan the parts of me that are masculine.
  • Instead of relaxing and reading, I become obsessed with the need to go out and prove myself as a woman in public.
  • Instead of enjoying my femme chats, I wait anxiously for people to reply thinking that their attention will justify my femininity.

These obsessive behaviours are designed to convince myself that I am a full femme. But they don't work. No matter how much attention I get, I know that there will always be people who don't accept I am a full femme. What I want is some mythical "Supreme Court of Femme" to rule that I have femme status. But no such court exists, so I continue fighting a forlorn battle for everyone's acceptance that leaves me anxious, upset, and unfulfilled.

It is not healthy for me. From now on, I am going to monitor my dressing and be careful about how I express myself, in the hope of taking power away from my "Supreme Court of Femme" obsessions. This will hopefully leave me more wonderful femme time with less anxiety!

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Latex, social-media, story

First podcast for 2014!

You can download it from iTunes, search for The Genderqueer Universe. Alternatively, right-click on http://traffic.libsyn.com/crossdressingcanopy/20140108_Latex_social-media_story.mp3


1. 2014 - New Year resolutions

2. Corset purchase

3. A review of social media for crossdressing








4. Gender in the media


Ten things: North Korea's film industry http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-23251187

Are Gender Stereotypes Good for Business?http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lynda-bekore/gender-stereotypes-sales_b_4496001.html

5. Fashion: CherryPopLatex - through Etsy

My Dress of the Year (already!) - Custom Mademoiselle French themed Latex Dress, horizontal stripes pencil dress with long sleeves.

Custom Bombshell Puff Sleeve Latex Dress with contrast edging -http://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/102197862/custom-bombshell-puff-sleeve-latex-dress?ref=shop_home_active

Custom Bombshell Latex Sweetheart Neckline Puff Sleeve Top with contrast edging

Thursday 2 January 2014

A touch of perspective, a transgender story

A touch of perspective, a transgender story

How a touch of perspective and a big smile can be a crossdresser's best friend

Steve gazed into the mirror, smiled, and smacked his lips. His transformation into Gemma was complete.

Steve loved his femme time, the occasions when he could fully express a feminine side that was often suppressed in daily life. However, today was the weekend, meaning Steve's Gemma side was free and ready to play.

Gemma went to her wardrobe and sorted through her shoes. She needed some cute black ones to match her little black dress, but which? Her comfortable flats, or 3-inch heels? Instantly the voices inside her head surged.

“Wear the heels, they look amazing on you!” her femme side screamed.

“No, flats. Heels will make you too tall and stand out.” her negative side responded.

“But heels are what you want to wear!”

“But you'll be too tall to pass as a woman.”

Thankfully the voices then eased, and Gemma made her decision. She picked up the 3-inch heels and placed them one-by-one on her feet. Sure, they made her over 6-feet tall, and less likely to pass, but she had spent all week conscribing to society's gender norms and wanted to be herself tonight.

Gemma picked up her purse and headed for the door. She stopped briefly at the mirror and did her final checks. With everything looking wonderful, she smiled, opened the door, and headed outside.

On her way out, she walked past her neighbour Patrick's door. It was open, with Patrick looking out. Gemma smiled and said hello, while Patrick waved back. Gemma had often wondered what
Patrick thought of this show going on before his eyes. He seemed intrigued, but had yet to bring it up. Oh well, Gemma thought, I'm sure we'll talk about it some time!

She walked out of her apartment building and down onto the street. It was about six blocks between Gemma's apartment and the restaurant where she was meeting friends for dinner. She clip-clopped her way down the well-worn roads, attracting polite interest and some curious looks from passers-by. Nothing unusual, and she happily walked towards her dinner when a yell rang out.

“EVERYBODY! Look at the sick pervert!”

The crowd turned to look at Gemma. She stopped, chilled to the bone, and turned to face the man who was the source of the abuse.

It was a man in his mid-twenties. He had a look of anger and hatred in his eyes. He again bellowed out.

“Get out of here you faggot!”

The words stung Gemma, hitting her hard until she stopped herself. She remembered that this, just like the other abuse she had received in the past, does not reflect upon her at all. It reflected this man's struggle with a complicated world, one where people can no longer be incorrectly pigeon-holed, and the facade of gender roles does not hold.

Amid a fresh volley of expletives from the man, Gemma felt a new emotion , different from the stinging pain she felt earlier.

Pity. Pity that this man could not understand or cope with the reality of this different and changing world.

And then another emotion: pride. Pride in her own ability to be brave enough to be herself and stand up against those who try to suppress her.

With this pride, Gemma's heart lightened and she gave her abuser a small grin.

Seeing it, the abuser got more angry.

“What the fuck are you grinning at?”

Gemma grin expanded and she burst into a laugh. The abuser looked uneasy, not expecting this response.

“Fuck off sicko!”

“Get lost you moron,” Gemma stated defiantly, “The world would be better off without your prejudice!”

The moron crestfallen, stumbled away muttering obscenities under his breath.

Several people in the crowd clapped. A young woman walked up to Gemma and told her she was so brave. Gemma smiled a happy smile, and thanked the woman.

She walked on and in a few minutes was at the restaurant.

She walked in and soon saw her good friend Elissa. Elissa rushed up to her and gave her a hug.

“It is so great to see you Gemma, I am so glad you could make it!”

“Me too Elissa, me too.”