Thursday 26 December 2013

New corset and other photos!

When I started the podcast, I set myself a goal I wanted to achieve with it, and a little while ago, I reached it!

To reward myself, I decided to buy myself something, and having reviewed many fashion sites in the previous podcasts I had plenty of ideas on what to look for! I settled on an online store I referenced in my very first podcast - which is now called Corset Story.

I tried to buy I went through and bought it with my credit card, but Corset Story came back, saying that this corset was no longer available. So they offered to refund me or allow me to pick another which costed up to $5 more.

However, I found one that cost $10 more that I liked and they let me have it at no extra cost. So nice!

Here's some pics of me in it, and a big thankyou to those who helped me pick it!

 Front and back views - tightly strung up! It's so cool having an hour glass figure!

 Why so feisty Cami? This corset takes your waist under 30 inches!


That's better!

Love the way the blonde hair wafts down to the corset.

I also took a few other pictures. The first one I truly love, I think it really shows the femme side of my face, heart, and things. :P

Saturday 7 December 2013

Chat with my wife

New podcast!

You can download the podcast on iTunes at The Genderqueer Universe or alternatively

download the podcast at:

(Right click to download)

In this podcast my wife, Mrs. Aeris, answers the following questions about crossdressing from a significant others' perspective.


* What was your initial response to learning I was a crossdresser?

* What did you think when you first saw me crossdressed?

* Do you think crossdressing has a good, neutral, or negative effect on our lives?

* Why do you think you are so supportive of my crossdressing?

* What advice would you give to significant others trying to understand their partner's crossdressing?

* Are you concerned about me being physically or emotionally harmed by being crossdressed in society?

* Over our relationship, can you point anything that has made me more comfortable with my crossdressing?

* What advice would you give to crossdressers trying to find love?

* Anything else to add?

Sunday 3 November 2013

Scrapbooking, Tokyo, & Germany

New podcast!

You can download the podcast on iTunes at The Genderqueer Universe or alternatively:

Download the podcast at:

(Right click to download)


1. Scrapbooking

2. Fashion segment - Style Area (JP)

3. Book Review - 'The nearest exit may be behind you' essays by S.Bear Bergman

4. App Review - Campus Life

5. Buzzfeed - Germany says its Rainbow Olympic Uniforms Are Not Pride Flags

Saturday 5 October 2013

Princesses and Discrimination


Download this podcast at The Genderqueer Universe on iTunes (yes, we're on iTunes!)

or below at:
(Right click to download)

1. Thought experiment - The pill

2. Crossdressing in the news

Why Drag Queens are better role models than Disney princesses

Disney Princesses dressed in their princes' threads

3. Book review - Almost perfect

4. Fashion - Little Party Dress

5. Sarcasm - 5 ways discrimination works for crossdressers

(and why we need to get rid of all discrimination)

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Queen and China

Download the podcast at:

(Right click to download)


1. Crossdressing in the news

Student crowned first transgender high school homecoming queen in US history

Guyana judge rules that crossdressing is legal unless its done for an improper purpose

2. China and Gender - History and Family

Pictures of the Shanghai Marriage Market

3. A crossdresser's guide to shopping in Shanghai

Qipu Road Clothing Market (上海七浦路服装批发市场)

Yatai Xinyang Fashion and Gift Market (亚太新阳服饰礼品市场)

Details can be found at:

4. China and women's magazines

Friday 30 August 2013

Names, ModCloth and Male Suffragettes

Download the podcast at:

(Right click to download)


1. Firsts - How I started crossdressing

2. Crossdressing in the News

Tacoma police seek crossdressing robber

How do people who change gender choose a name

3. Positive message in the world

The Awesome Foundation

Great video describing the organisation -

Website -

4. Fashion - ModCloth

Shiny bubbles dress -

Opine and dine dress -

About the Artist Dress in Red -

5. Male Suffragettes

Meghalaya India: Where women rule, and men are suffragettes -