Sunday 3 November 2013

Scrapbooking, Tokyo, & Germany

New podcast!

You can download the podcast on iTunes at The Genderqueer Universe or alternatively:

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1. Scrapbooking

2. Fashion segment - Style Area (JP)

3. Book Review - 'The nearest exit may be behind you' essays by S.Bear Bergman

4. App Review - Campus Life

5. Buzzfeed - Germany says its Rainbow Olympic Uniforms Are Not Pride Flags


  1. Interesting thoughts on "passing". In my thinking, it's a wider problem with society's need to normalise everything and everything, not just an issue between the observer and observee. The way I see it, it's ingrained into the culture about what is and is not appropriate attire. The only way to change it is to see more transgender people "passable" or "non-passable" out in the community (Let's have a chat about this the next time).

  2. Definitely! There are many issues that need dealing with! You'll notice with this (and other pieces) I have angled at trans-empowerment issues, because I enjoy (and think I can help people best) by building them up!

  3. Looking forward to further discussions with you later! :)
