Tuesday 30 December 2014

Candy magazine, Queer inspiration

Wishing all listeners the best for 2015!

You can download this and other podcasts at The Genderqueer Universe on iTunes, or alternatively, right click on http://traffic.libsyn.com/crossdressingcanopy/20143112_Candy_magazine_Queer_inspiration.mp3 to download the podcast.

1. Introduction

2014 New Years Resolution achieved

SLINK magazine - http://www.slinkmagazine.com/

2. CANDY magazine

Candy magazine 7 - Lady Gaga / Marilyn Manson - http://byluisvenegas.com/candy/newcandy-7/#196

Candy magazine 8 - The Role Models - http://byluisvenegas.com/candy/newcandy-8/#251

Luis Venegas website - http://byluisvenegas.com/

3. Bridal magazines and their folly

4. Queer Inspiration - My new Pinterest board
