Saturday 7 December 2013

Chat with my wife

New podcast!

You can download the podcast on iTunes at The Genderqueer Universe or alternatively

download the podcast at:

(Right click to download)

In this podcast my wife, Mrs. Aeris, answers the following questions about crossdressing from a significant others' perspective.


* What was your initial response to learning I was a crossdresser?

* What did you think when you first saw me crossdressed?

* Do you think crossdressing has a good, neutral, or negative effect on our lives?

* Why do you think you are so supportive of my crossdressing?

* What advice would you give to significant others trying to understand their partner's crossdressing?

* Are you concerned about me being physically or emotionally harmed by being crossdressed in society?

* Over our relationship, can you point anything that has made me more comfortable with my crossdressing?

* What advice would you give to crossdressers trying to find love?

* Anything else to add?



    It's sooooo wonderful to hear a couple talk about crossdressing with such openness and ease. Your conversation mirrors my own current experiences: my wife of 12 years has known about my predilection for at least that long, but only recently have we both decided not to worry about or avoid it, and to just make it a normal thing in our life together. So it's very affirming to hear from a couple for whom it works.

    Most importantly, though, one particular aspect of your conversation hit home for me in a very first way: If there's anything I'm struggling with, it's that...let's call it "acceptance of acceptance" that Mrs Cami talked about. I, too, have that niggling hind-brain voice that casts doubt on my wife's acceptance of my crossdressing, no matter how much evidence to the contrary. It's a weird thing to have to work through, but if it's the greatest of my worries... I was buoyed by Mrs Cami's thoughts on that, and would love to hear yours, too. We can compare notes!

    This is the first episode I've listened to, and it will not be the last. Thank you for sharing this!

    1. Awww thanks for the comments Milena!

      It is really interesting hearing what you have to say and Mrs Cami and I are really glad to hear that our story resonated with you!

      For me the "acceptance of the acceptance" took a while to come around. I think that there are a lot of societal norms that try to drill into crossdressers that there is no way in the world that you can find someone who will fully accept you as your queer self. And I think it took me quite a bit of time to break free of this social engineering and to finally go "Yes Mrs Cami does fully accept and love all parts of me". I realised that I was a better person when I had all parts of myself on display, and Mrs Cami wanted to see that full person, not someone who had to hide parts away.

      The issue of not being able to find an accepting partner comes up again in another podcast I did called Arguments against crossdressing - here's the link!

      Best wishes,


  2. Er, not 'first' way... Damn autocorrect.
